This day was awsome we got to see the warriors is that cool.they were at are school.I also got a prize from then.the vodafone warriors we got to see was shun johnson ,ryan hoffmen and john pavali.It was the best assembly I have ever seen
I am a Year 5 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 1. My teachers are Mr Ogilvie and Mr Wong.
Friday, 26 August 2016
the warriors visit
This day was awsome we got to see the warriors is that cool.they were at are school.I also got a prize from then.the vodafone warriors we got to see was shun johnson ,ryan hoffmen and john pavali.It was the best assembly I have ever seen
specail assembly,
this friday I made a poem for this weeks writing equation .It was fun I made a poem about a house we need to use nouns,three adjectives a verb and adverb and a ending with two adjectives
this friday I made a poem for this weeks writing equation .It was fun I made a poem about a house we need to use nouns,three adjectives a verb and adverb and a ending with two adjectives
Thursday, 25 August 2016
column method
WALT:add and subtract numbers using the column method
this thursday I have been doing column method for maths .We had to go on transum and do are basic addition level 4 and 5.we had to surt out what the answer was with are column method.I have put up a presentation of how to use the column method
rugby with a jandal
LI:to comprehend/ inference information in a fictional text
I have been inferencing in a text. The text was called rugby with a jandal.It is about a boy named fiti and his sister malia .they always play rugby in a villige that is in samoa.they used shoes for the goal post.they uesd a jandal for a rugby ball.but then malia and fiti moved to new zealand
Friday, 19 August 2016
column method
WALT: add and subtract numbers using column method
this friday I have used column method with my teacher mr oglvie . the picture on top of my writing is me doing my addition. it was hard doing my addition .
then i got my results.I didn't get them all right but i stilled tried
this friday I have used column method with my teacher mr oglvie . the picture on top of my writing is me doing my addition. it was hard doing my addition .
then i got my results.I didn't get them all right but i stilled tried
Tuesday, 16 August 2016
silivia & brianna ancient and modern olympics
we are in miss nikaers gourp for inquiry this term.We had to get in buddies and work together.My buudie was from LS2 and her name is silivia . we put this on are
Monday, 8 August 2016
Place value
I have been learning place values so I thought that I could share my work to you.
My math group has learned place value with me.we did a place value house.I wanted to show you the place value house.take a look.
Monday, 1 August 2016
Story board of duck overboard
LI:to identify the main ideas in a text
1/7/16: today I made a storyboard about the story duck over board. It Is fun.We need to put the main ideas in oder in a little text.
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